Tuesday, 30 September 2008


Lust, though to a radiant angel linked, sates itself in a celestial bed, then preys on garbage.
Never count the days – rather make the days ‘count'.
If our minds didn’t conjure dreams, ambitions and achievable aspirations then we would be mentally stunted to deal with and overcome the legion of challenges and disappointments Life has the habit of throwing at us.
The carabao is slow, but the Earth is patient.
The light that shines twice as bright burns half as long.
Thinking ahead is the child of chess players, not autocrats.
My opinion of mankind grows worse from my experience of them.
One can never appeal nor alter the verdict of the battlefield.
It is a peculiar habit of Christianity to conceive the most compassionate and
forgiving divinities and use them to sponsor atrocity.
An irresistible impulse for mischief.
Not my ideal of life, but the best compromise with prevailing circumstances.
An irresponsible pursuit of financial interests at the expense of moral principles.
Hardship (adversity) instills a spirit of positive resourcefulness in direct proportion to itself.
One of the main problems with being Top Dog is the time and effort expended in repeatedly cocking a leg to re-mark threatened territory.
His appointment with Destiny seems to be perpetually postponed.
The study of history is not a bilateral arrangement between nations.
Common sense and logic are not constants in the behaviour of nations.
Trading partners do not go to war against each other: WRONG !
A perennial and destructive impulse for mischief.
Happiness is contrasted proportionately to one’s current surroundings and prevailing circumstances.
Position through Poise, Audacity, and Resolve.
The type of person who thinks wood grows on trees.
A frog who dreams of being a toad.
The foulest four-letter word of all: POOR! or, for Pommies : WASH!! or BATH!!!
Human rights - human wrongs.
Tuan. Bumi Putra. Kosher. Karma.
Alike Captain Queeg hunting down the strawberries.
The Diseases of Venus.
First rule of management / government strategies : Divide and conquer.
Adam & Steve. Madam & Eve.
Unqualified arrogance.
The Cult of the Personality.
The Power of the Pussy.
If his dick’s the same size as his brain, then he’s got real problems.
The U.S. of America’s first global export: Colt revolvers / GUNS!
I have nothing in common with your God: He is a cruel and capricious being
Management: the judicious use of means to achieve an end.
Supervision : a critical observance and direction of activities.
Fanta fe : All is in flux.
Silence is a conspiracy within itself.
A master of self-magnification.
Patriotism is the last resort of political scoundrels.
Republic of the Philistines.
To the Benefit of the Few, and the Detriment of the Many.
Patron Saint of the Impossible.
Taught her all she knows, but not all I know.
Hope she gives breech birth to a porcupine : with antlers.
Can’t make furniture out of firewood.
Never use the best woods for kindling.
Lost the habit of truth.
DOSRI : Directors, Officers, Seniors, Related Interests.
Due diligence.
Pawned its moral franchise.
As fuel efficient as a garden bonfire
The Three M’s philosophy : Mercenaries, Missionaries and Misfits.
Liberty is the luxury of self-discipline.
Chance favours the prepared mind.
Eggs to hatch, cats to kill.
If it was easy, then women and kids would be doing it !.
A basic architectural credo : that form must follow function.
A pair of boots made out of pussy: fit like a glove and never wear out.
Jukebox politician: drop a few coins in and plays whatever tune you like.
Definition of a volunteer: Someone who has totally misunderstood the question
put to them.
Swimming at the shallow end of the gene pool.
Assumption wears a cloak of errors.
Close enough only applies to horse shoes and hand grenades.
A squeaky wheel gets the grease. (and sometimes: replaced.)
Favourite nation? Donation!
Religion: more scent than substance.
Loose lips sink ships.
Ham and eggs: the pig’s committed, while the chicken is only involved.
More marinated than drunk.
Communism runs counter to human nature.
The K.G. - used to B.
La Donna Errante:
The Second Oldest Profession: (prostitution / grave-digging.)
Work? No thanks, I’ll stick with the freedom and independence my poverty provides.
For purposes of belligerence we command a technology of far greater evolution than our moral and intellectual abilities to rationally commit such to destructive use.
Man created God, not God man.
The Goddess below her navel.
Wood: botanical corpse.
Scrap paper: another half acre of rain forest gone!
Ambitions beyond the scope of his abilities.
Catholic priests: renown for dogma, simony and sodomy.
Politicians: one level above child molesters.
Water takes the path of least resistance.
Folded his proverbial tent.
Local neighbourhood Anti-Christ.
Revolution is orbital and turns a full circle. Movement is undefined in direction or distance: it usually proceeds so far, and then stops.
If symptoms persist, consult an undertaker.
Matreiya: 1965!
Wife is Asawa : then Kabit Querida Kulasisi: . High-maintenance assets.
Another victim of neglect.
Never invest in anything that requires feeding or repainting.
Menu: Do you have a 1997 / current edition?
Flat out -- like a lizard drinking.
Cancer of the personality.
Seen better organised riots.
An in-growing foreskin.
The Packrat. The Bower bird.
Believe a job worth doing might be a job worth doing badly.
Phallopian Air Lines. PAL.
Amateurs posing as professionals.
A circus without a tent.
Government: A political order where the majority obey the authority of a minority.
Humanity: endowed with the facility of logic and reason, prefers folly.
than the logical and moral capacities that guide its uses.
Conflicts that invariably have a tendency to halt far short of their original political
Chaos is the primary order of Nature.
Victims of speciesism.
Canine slaves.
Botanical companion.
Botanical corpse.
Exercising his democratic right to talk and act like a fool.
Punctuality is a sign of respect for another persons’ time.
The certainty of this world is preferable to the dubiousness of the next.
They depict each other as fools, and are unfortunately, both (all) correct.
When ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise.
Virago: A woman of great strength and stature.
Misery loves company.
Stood up to be counted amongst the ranks of the Forces of Darkness.
They can be led, but not driven.
In God we trust : all others - CASH.
Deja vu.
An established lie can, and oft does, become an established truth.
A job worth doing might be a job worth doing badly.
Nine-tenths of Humanity isn’t worth saving.
The Formal Pressure of Diplomatic Grand Remonstrance’s.
It might suffice as a Statement of Position, but not as an Explanation.
Measure twice : cut once. (Engineering maxim.)
Schwein en schlippe. ( Pig in knickers.)
A supernatural constitution.

Accomplishment basis.
Rules of engagement.
Receptive to……..
Absence of conflict is no assurance of peace.
Politics are not perception, but illusion.
Fears for / doubts the Integrity of………
Gwailow / Falang.
//?? ……. is not a recognised profession.
Prudent to / Prudence dictates.
TIME is NOT a weekly news magazine.
Moral erosion.
Shinkansen bullet train.
Disabled does not qualify as unabled.
Turning Bipeds into men.
Philippines: the 51st State!! No way, & reasons why / voting franchise.
Rep. of the Philistines.
Persuaded into co-operative participation via the tried and proven diplomatic methods of bribery and corruption.
Never trust anyone who bleeds that much every month and doesn’t die!
Anyone who bleeds that much every month, and doesn’t die, shouldn’t be trusted.
Jesus saves --- but the Pope invests !!!
Burning daylight.
At risk / In harms way.
A mind smaller than his Ego.
Power is an illusion, for it is forever accompanied by obligations that are greater still.
The Peter Principle: In any hierarchy, people tend to rise to their greatest level of incompetence.
THEY: the Universal appellation for those who are not part of one’s own community.
There is a commonality among all men.
INFORMATION : the most valuable commodity known to man.
Passion is the enemy of precision.
The myth perpetuated eternally : because it cannot be irrefutably proven such did not occur.
The phenomena of HERD BEHAVIOUR : Man, as part of the pack.
The Herd Instinct.
Man proves to be yet another of Nature’s dismal evolutionary failures.
The Petrine Rock.
Man’s curious refusal to behave rationally in what seems his own best interest.
Der Ubermensch : the Higher Man.

Laws governing the Conduct of War are rendered impotent by the Laws of Fact and Harsh Reality.
The Architecture of a Utopia of Global Harmony can only be designed by ignoring the established testimony of History, and Human Behaviour.
Progress and gain by one group is not accomplished without the loss of some fundamental values of another party.
Racial primacy.
Never seen a kitchen so filthy that even the cockroaches came out spewing.
P.B.R. : Paid by Results.
The Five P’s Philosophy : Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.
D.C.M. : Don’t come Monday.
Do it once … Do it Right!
Advanced Guesswork
Given time and money : can achieve anything.
It’s never a failure until you walk away from it.
Sometimes equalled : never beaten.
Instant drunk : add alcohol.
What could be done with a Canadian, if caught so young? Turn him into an Australian!
It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you’re surrounded by chickens.
No problems : only solutions.
Measure twice : cut once.
A lazy man always finds the hardest way to do a job.
An ambition to be reincarnated as a tablecloth : Get laid three times a day, and pulled off after every meal.
Send lawyers, guns and money because the shit has hit the fan…doesn’t matter in which order, but all will be required.
The Intellectual Stimulation of watching paint dry.
The next quantum leap in telecommunications: answering machines with artificial intelligence/self-awareness: that return calls without consulting you !
Human Resource management skills rate in at ZERO.
We, the Unwilling, led by the Unqualified, have done the Improbable for so long, with so little, we can now achieve the Impossible : with absolutely FUCK ALL.
6-7-2 / 1-5-9 / 8-3-4.
Collateral damage.
Oestrogen-deficiency / excess.
Roman Catholicism : the longest-running & most successful confidence trick ever pulled in recorded History.
More a “LOOPHOLE” system than a legal system.
Everything in Moderation : especially Moderation.
Explanation, Demonstration, Imitation. ( Can develop into #4 : Innovation )
Better to be tried by TWELVE than carried by SIX.
Either Lead, Follow, or get out of the Fucking Way !
Welfare Officer in a concentration camp.
Chinese Fire Drill Instructor.
Groups of self-interest.
Statement of Methodology / Method Statement.
Decisive and Assertive , emanating self-confidence and self-reliance =
leadership qualities.
Totally uncoordinated and chronically dysfunctional.
Indecisive and slow/dull—witted.
Mental lethargy.
Iron Sulphide ( Fool’s Gold ) : PHIL RUDISONE
Fabrication : BRIAN FIOTA
Deception : PETE DICON
Went / Gone Ballistic
Could fuck up a perfectly good anvil.
If you’re up early enough in a morning, you can piss in a stoat’s ear.
Power is an illusion, for it is always accompanied by responsibilities that are greater still.
A mind / intellect far smaller than his EGO
Propaganda is the Illustrious Courtesan of Espionage
Cronyism, Collusion, Corruption, and Complacency : The Curse of the 4 C’s.
A Halo is often a Noose that hasn’t yet slipped into Position.
Cash cow.
Alike Adultery, its essence is Concealment.
( Wanton act / s of : ) Reckless imprudence resulting in ………….
Arsehole Tax !!
Stop and Rob, Chew and Spew, Local / Convenience Vomitarium
Bad-cholesterol vomitarium. Local food poisoning centre.
Botulism and Beans Bistro. Salmonella Sandwich Centre.
Pedro’s Pukery. Barf ‘s Botulism Bistro. Retcher’s Restaurant
Vic’s Vomitarium. Restaurant a la Retch. Salmonella Spewery.
Chunder Café.
The Asbo Arms……..Asbo Annie
Running : far more than mere physical exercise alone, it has now evolved
into a highly spiritual method of meditation.
The Jerusalem Syndrome : Apocalyptic.
Spiritual transition via Divine Rapture
Theophany : Manifestation of a Diety to a Mortal.
Extreme / Chronic Courtesy Disorder
Courtesy Deficiency Syndrome.
Passport to Social Acceptance cancelled.
Tetragrammaton : Y - H - W - H
Odi et amo : love-hate relationship.
Crapehanger : Morose, gloomy or pessimistic person
Indulgences and Benefices.
All Lies eventually lead to the Truth.
From experience and knowledge of life, we distillate sagacity and wisdom.
The 3-D’s / A 3-D campaign : Disinformation, Disaffection & Destabilization.
Necrotizing enterocolitis due to severe multiple parasitic infestation.
Hypertestosteronism / Hypertestosterone secretion.
A Decision of Last Recourse.
The Direct Blame for the Ubiquitous Bureaucratic Graft & Corruption lies in the
election of Incompetents and Criminals by an Uneducated and Unsophisticated
God : An Omnipotent mythological bogeyman, customized by religions to suit their own selfish ends.
Alike Siberia, with neon signs, functioning traffic lights and security guards.
Devotion to Religion : A definite form of psychological disorder.
Religion : Mythological literature.
Religion : Alike the Sphinx and Pyramids, a Curiosity worth contemplation and study, but definitely not worship.
Religion : Institutionalized as propitiatory magic, and perpetuated as a fat racket for priests.
1st Amendment : Freedom of speech & religious worship
2nd :Right to bear arms.
4th : Right of search & seizure regulated
13th : Slavery abolished.
16th “ Income taxes authorised.
18th : Prohibition of liquor / Volkstead Act : 18/12/1917-ratified 16/1/1919
Eventually adopted by all States, except Connecticut & Rhode island.
19th : Giving nationwide suffrage to women.
Repeal of 18th Amendment : 20/2/1933. Ratified5/12/1933.
All that we forge and temper in Life reverberates for Eternity
Know a man’s weaknesses by his boasts.
Know a man’s strengths by his modesty.
Jews : the children of the covenant.
Smiling like a puppy dog who has just discovered it can suck its own dick
There is no Truth except that which men desire to hear.
God ? : believe in nothing higher than the trees, for the sky too might well be an illusion.
It is futile to fight Nature : especially Human nature.
The type of person even mosquitoes and tapeworms avoid.
Heavily invested in self-glorification.
Suffering from Cognitive Impairment where matters of the Truth are concerned.
Where Ignorance is Bliss, it is folly to be Wise.
Silence is the mark of Greatness.
The Oasis of Sleep.
A 3-D campaign : Disinformation, Disaffection & Destabilization.
Better an empty gun than no gun at all.
The Pleasure is in the Journey
Tribute to the Moon / Lunar Tribute : Menses.
Possession is nine-tenths of the law.
Look with your eyes, and not your hands.
Conspicuous by its Absence.
Never reach beyond thy grasp.
Communism is Political heresy
Takes communion with questionable deities
A standing prick has no conscience.
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, absolvo tuum.
A Heap is a gathering / conclave of Shits.
The Sixth Sense ? A sense of Humour.
A lot of Mongrel in his genes.
The AFF couldn’t sort shit from ShineOla
Seen better organized riots than this web site
2 turns n 2 half-hitches – hold anything !
Keelhauling, or 20 strokes of the Cat ?
CyberS’ is about as S’ stimulating as watching paint dry.
Mons Pubis Mons Veneris
Just Cruisin’
Made a career / fortune out of Human frailty
Mother is the name of Love on the lips of all children
Love n’ Lust
U and the Dodo are going to have something in common
????? just shit kittens
More degrees than a thermometer
Surplus to requirements
Been around the world more times than Skylab
Exacted disproportionate retribution physical damage / injury / trauma
My own personal Spice Girl…Oriental Spice
Celestial Entity / Divine / Oriental Angel
Lust, though to a radiant angel linked, sates itself in a celestial bed, then preys on garbage.
Domino effect on human perception
Decimated true accounts of history
The Law of One
Common Herd….More at Sheeple than People.
Laws / Rules n’ Regulations : For the guidance of the intelligencia and the blind obedience of the masses / common herd / idiots
Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his Master
Shall always have what he needs, but never more.
The naturally-talented, forever judged by the talentless.
Offering the public the greatest discomfort n inconvenience at the highest prices
An aircraft in search of a route
Uncomfortable with those more intelligent than himself
Creative polymaths: intellectually powered to shape, rather than follow, trends.
Debt junkie
Turned risk-avoidance into a artform
Virgin’s immaculacy
A Duopoly
Perceived success
An aspiration dressed up as a decision
When the only tool you possess is a hammer, then every problem begins to look like a nail.
An Omerta
The convenience of concealment through Chaos
Even the existence of secrecy requires concealment
Why let facts and logic stand in the way of a good argument
Opportunities Multiply as they are Seized
Caution is not stronger than Fate.
This cretin, if his IQ was 5 points lower, would have to be watered daily.
Knowledge is the mortal enemy of Superstition
It is not our abilities that show what we truly are…. it is our choices.
At the mercy (sic) of unregulated global capital in the extractive industries.
The Peter Principle : In any hierarchy, people tend to rise to their greatest level of incompetence.
Jurisprudence is not equivocal
Morality is a private & costly luxury
Never take the credit, or the blame, for something you did not do
Always tell the truth
Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither.
Each word has an echo. So does each silence.
Fear not the path of Truth for the lack of people walking on it.
Deception can only take place where there is a lack of knowledge.
The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or as a curse.
The survival of the official lie depends solely on its constant repetition.
Omnia Mutantur …… All is in flux

Environment : Nature is the Bank on which all Cheques are ultimately Drawn.

The Past is private property and trespass by curious researchers is actively discouraged.

The past n the future are private property.

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes……Mark Twain

No trees were harmed in posting this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

No one is a stranger, they are simply friends you've not yet met

It takes two people to lie. One to tell it, the other to listen….and believe.
The perceived ability to create Reality.
All History is a well-contrived Hoax / an edited recording of events.
21st Century Reality has been shrouded in a matrix of deceitful propaganda.

Creatures with frontal paired eyes are Predators. This occular configuration allows them to judge the distance between them and their intended prey.
( Man has frontal paired eyes )

Sir, I send a rhyme excellingIn sacred truth and rigid spellingNumerical sprites elucidateFor me the lexicon's full weight Pi…3:14 to x ? digits infinite
Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling
In mystic force and magic spelling

Is it the Truth ?
Is it fair to all concerned ?
Will it build goodwill & friendship between men ?
Will it benefit all concerned ?

Creatures with frontal paired eyes are Predators. This ocular configuration allows them to judge the distance between them and their intended prey.
( Man has frontal paired eyes )

I don’t give a damn whether the cross is made of gold or silver or what-the-hell. All I have in mind is to do away with CRUCIFIXION !

The key to balanced and sustainable development is to empower the
people and strengthen the middle class.
This can be attained through:
1) An improved quality of education that moulds a patriotic mindset with global consciousness in the youth sector.
2) The development of co-operatives and small / medium-sized businesses
while also attracting foreign investments.
3) Peace, order and security through a reconstructed national police and
military institution : exorcised of the present graft and corruption.
4) The promotion of local autonomy that ensures equitable allocation of
resources, authorities and responsibilities.
5) A collective pride in the national cultural and historical heritage.
In building a nation to be proud of, in which every Filipino must be a
stakeholder, and not a mere beneficiary relying on the hand-outs and
patronage of family or government.
6) The eradication of political dynasties and the established oligarchies,
and of patronage and crony politics by parties of self-interest.

7) The establishment of a judicial system devoid of patronage, graft,
and corruption, and revitalised with open honesty and efficiency.

The Club is the symbol of Vengance, and the Friend of no Man.
The Diamond is the symbol of Avarice.
The Heart is the symbol of Unselfish and Divine Love.
The Spade is the symbol of Death.

Traitors must be exposed to the light.That is where they shrivel like vampires.Their condign punishment is death.The tree of liberty must be wateredfrom time to time with the blood of tyrants!


Animal genus

Sheep are ovine.
anserine - geese
aquiline - eagle
assinine - donkey
bovine - cattlec
ancrine - crab
canine - dog
cervine - deer
corvine - crow
equine - horse
elapine - snake
elaphine - deer
feline - cat
hircine - goat
leonine - lion
leporine - rabbit, harel
upine - wolf
murine - rodent
pavonine - peacock
piscine - fish
porcine - pig
rusine - deer
serpentine - snake
ursine - bear
vulpine - fox



A HERD of antelopes.

A COLONY of ants
An ARMY of ants.
A STATE or SWARM of ants.


A HERD or PACE of asses
A DROVE of asses.

A TROOP of baboons

A CETE of badgers

A BATTERY of barracudas.

A SHOAL of bass.

A COLONY of bats.
A CLOUD of bats.

A SLOTH or SLEUTH of bears

A COLONY of beavers.
A FAMILY of beavers.

A CLUSTER, ERST or NEST of bees.

A FLOCK, FLIGHT, or PARCEL of birds.A POD of birds (small flock)A VOLARY of birds (in an aviary)A BRACE = a pair of gamebirds or waterfowl *

A HERD of bison.

A SEDGE of bitterns.

A SOUNDER or SINGULAR of wild boar

A CHAIN of bobolinks (small birds)

A BRACE OR CLASH of bucks.

A CHATTER of budgerigars.


A DROVE of bullocks.

A SWARM or RABBLE of butterflies.
A KALEIDOSCOPE of butterflies.
A FLUTTER of butterflies.

A WAKE of buzzards.

A CARAVAN, FLOCK or TRAIN of camels.

A HERD of caribou.

An ARMY of caterpillars.

A HERD, DROVE or DRIFT of cattle.A MOB of cattle (US)
A CLOWDER of cats.
A POUNCE of cats.
A CLUTTER of cats.
A COMFORT of cats.

A COALITION of cheetahs

A BROOD, CLUTCH, flock, run or PEEP of chicken

A CHATTERING of choughs.

A BED of clams

A QUIVER of cobras

An INTRUSION of cockroaches.

A RAG of colts.

A COVERT or COVER* of coots.

A GULP (SOLITUDE)* OR FLIGHT of cormorants.

A KINE of cows (12 cows are a FLINK)

A PACK of coyotes
A TRAIN of coyotes
A BAND of coyotes

A BUSHEL of crabs

A HERD, SEIGE or SEDGE of cranes

A BASK or FLOAT of crocodiles.
A STRIKER (unconfirmed)

A MURDER of crows
A HORDE of crows.

A LITTER of cubs

A HERD of curlew

A COWARDICE of curs.

A HERD, LEASH or MOB of deer
A BEVY of roe deer.

A TROOP of dogfish

A PACK (wild dogs) or
KENNEL of dogs
A COWARDICE of curs.
A LITTER of puppies.

A SCHOOL of dolphins.
A POD of dolphins.

A HERD or PACE of donkeys/asses

A TRIP of dotterel.
Dotterel is a rare plover of upland areas of Eurasia.

A FLIGHT, DULE or DOLE of doves.
A PITYING of turtle doves.

A RAFT, PADDLING or BUNCH of ducks on water.
A TEAM, BRACE, BED, FLIGHT OR FLOCK f wild ducks in flight.

A FLING of dunlins

A CONVOCATION of eagles.

A HERD or PARADEof elephants
A CRASH of elephants.

A HERD of elk.
A GANG of elk

MOB of emus

A BUSINESS of ferrets

A CHARM of finches

A RUN of fish in motion.

A STAND of flamingoes.
A FLAMBOYANCE of flamingoes.

SWARM of flies.

A SKULK of foxes
A CLOUD, TROOP, or COMPANY of foxes.
A LEASH OR EARTH of foxes.*

An ARMY or COLONY of frogs.

A GAGGLE or FLOCK of geese.
A SKEIN, TEAM or WEDGE of geese (in the air)
A PLUMP of geese (on water)

KINDERGARTEN** or JOURNEY*** of giraffes

A CLOUD OR HORDE of gnats.

A FLOCK, HERD or TRIBE of goats
A TRIP of goats

A CHARM of goldfinches.

A TROUBLING of goldfish.

A BAND of gorillas

A CLOUD of grasshoppers.

A LEASH of greyhounds.

A PACK or COVEY of grouse

A BAZAAR of guillemots.

A COLONY of gulls.

A HORDE of hamsters.

A HUSK, DOWN or MUTE of hares

A CAST, KETTLE (flying in large numbers) or
BOIL (two or more) of hawks.

An ARRAY of hedgehogs.

A BROOD of hens.


An ARMY of herring.

A BLOAT of hippopotami (or hippopotamuses)

A DRIFT or PARCEL of hogs.

A NEST of hornets.

A STUD or STRING of horses (Breeding)
A TEAM, HARRAS, PAIR or RAG of horses (i.e. colts.

A PACK, KENNEL, MUTE or CRY of hounds
Possibly LEASH of hounds

A CACKLE of hyenas.

A SWARM of insects

A HUSK of jackrabbits.

A PARTY or SCOLD of jays.

A BROOD, SMUCK or SMACK of jellyfish.

A MOB or TROOP of kangaroos

A KENDLE, KINDLE or LITTER of kittens.

A LOVELINESS of ladybirds.

A DESERT or DECEIT* of lapwings.

A BEVY of larks.
An EXALTATION of larks.
An ASCENSION of larks.

A GROUP of lemurs

A LEAP of leopards

A FLOCK of lice


A CLOUD, PLAGUE or SWARM of locusts.


A SORD or BRACE* of mallards.

A STUD of mares.

A RICHNESS of martens.
A RICHESSE of martens.

A STEAM of minnows.

A LABOUR of moles.


A HERD of moose.

A BARREN, PACK* or SPAN of mules.

A WATCH of nightingales.

A FAMILY, BEVY or ROMP of otters.
A RAFT of otters

A STARE or WISDOM of owls.
A STUDY of owls.

A TEAM or YOKE of oxen..
A DROVE or HERD of oxen
A SPANof oxen
(I believe this may refer to a team of two or more)

A BED of oysters


A COVEY of partridge

A MUSTER or OSTENTATION* of peacocks.
A PULCHRITUDE of peacocks.

A LITTER of peeps.

A ROOKERY or COLONY* of penguins

or BEVY of pheasants

A KIT of pigeons (flying together)
A FLOCK or FLIGHT of pigeons.
a "LOFT" of pigeons.

A HERD, TRIP or LITTER of pigs


A DROVE OR STRING of ponies.

A PRICKLE of porcupines.

A HERD, SCHOOL or POD of porpoises.

A COVEY of Ptarmigan

A LITTER of pups
A PUDDLE of puppies

A BEVY, DRIFT or COVEY* of quail

LITTER (young) of rabbits.

A STRING of racehorses

A COLONY of rats.
A PACK or SWARM of rats.

A RHUMBA of rattlesnakes.

An UNKINDNESS of ravens.
A MURDER of ravens.

A HERD of reindeer.

A CRASH or HERD of rhinos

A BEVY of roebucks.

A CLAMOUR or rooks.

A HILL of ruffs

A FAMILY of sardines.

A STENCH of Schnauzers

A RAFT of sea otters

A POD of seals

A SHIVER of sharks.

A MOB of sheep (Australian)

A NEST or KNOT of snakes.

A WISP or WALK of snipe

A HOST of sparrows.

A DRAY or SCURRY* of squirrels.

A MURMATION of starlings.
A MURMURATION of starlings.
A FILTH of starlings

A MUSTERING of storks.

A FLIGHT or GULP of swallows

A GAME, BANK, TEAM, HERD or BEVY* of swans.
A WEDGE of swans in the air.

A FLOCK of swifts


A SPRING of teal.


A MUTATION of thrushes.

An AMBUSH or STREAK* of tigers.

A KNOT or KNAB of toads

A HOVER of trout.

A RAFTER or GANG* of turkeys.

A PITYING or DULE of turtle doves.

A BALE, DOLE or NEST* of turtles

A BLESSING of unicorns.

A NEST of vipers.

A COMMITTEE of vultures.

A HERD or POD of walruses.

A PLADGE of wasps.
A PAIL of wasps.

A BUNCH, KNOB, TRIP or PLUMP* of waterfowl

CONFUSION or PACK of weasels.

A SCHOOL, HERD or GAM of whales
A POD of whales (small school)
A GRIND of bottle nose whales

A COMPANY or TRIP of widgeon

A BUNCH, TRIP or PLUMP of wildfowl.A KNOB of wildfowl (less than 30)

A PACK or ROUT of wolves

A FALL of woodcocks.

A DESCENT of woodpeckers.

A HERD of wrens

A ZEAL, HERD or DAZZLE* of zebras

Animal Collectives

A Collection of Animal Collectives
The English language boasts an abundance of names to describe groups of things, particularly pairs or aggregations of animals. Some of these words have fallen into comparative disuse, but many of them are still in service, helping to enrich the vocabularies of those who like their language to be precise, who tire of hearing a group referred to as "a bunch of," or who enjoy the sound of words that aren't overworked.

bale of turtles
band of gorillas
bed of clams, oysters
bevy of quail, swans
brace of ducks
brood of chicks
cast of hawks
cete of badgers
charm of goldfinches
cloud of gnats
clowder of cats
clutch of chicks
clutter of cats
colony of ants
congregation of plovers
covey of quail, partridge
crash of rhinoceri
cry of hounds
down of hares
drift of swine
drove of cattle, sheep
exaltation of larks
flight of birds
flock of sheep, geese
gaggle of geese
gam of whales
gang of elks
grist of bees
herd of elephants
horde of gnats
husk of hares
kindle or kendle of kittens
knot of toads
leap of leopards
leash of greyhounds, foxes
litter of pigs
mob of kangaroos
murder of crows
muster of peacocks
mute of hounds
nest of vipers
nest, nide of pheasants
pack of hounds, wolves
pair of horses
pod of whales, seals
pride of lions
school of fish
sedge or siege of cranes
shoal of fish, pilchards
skein of geese
skulk of foxes
sleuth of bears
sounder of boars, swine
span of mules
spring of teals
swarm of bees
team of ducks, horses
tribe or trip of goats
troop of kangaroos
troop of monkeys
volery of birds
watch of nightingales
wing of plovers
yoke of oxen

Phobias 2

Emotion, religion and morality: Personal emotion: Fear
phobia (noun)
phobia, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, aerophobia, acrophobia, pyrophobia, frigophobia, pogonophobia, autophobia, phobophobia, zoophobia, algophobia, monophobia, aquaphobia, astrophobia, nyctophobia, triskaidekaphobia, homophobia, ailurophobia, canophobia
technophobia, cyberphobia, technofear
antisemitism, racial prejudice, Russophobia, xenophobia, hatred
McCarthyism, Reds under the beds, spy mania, witch-hunting
Intellect: The exercise of the mind: Results of reasoning: Madman
neurotic (noun)
neurotic, hysteric
phobic, claustrophobic, agoraphobic
depressive, melancholic
kleptomaniac, pyromaniac, monomaniac
Emotion, religion and morality: Personal emotion: Fear
phobia (noun)
phobia, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, aerophobia, acrophobia, pyrophobia, frigophobia, pogonophobia, autophobia, phobophobia, zoophobia, algophobia, monophobia, aquaphobia, astrophobia, nyctophobia, triskaidekaphobia, homophobia, ailurophobia, canophobia
technophobia, cyberphobia, technofear
antisemitism, racial prejudice, Russophobia, xenophobia, hatred

Phobias 1

Agoraphobia : Open places
Acrophobia : High places
Nyctophobia : Dark
Ochlophobia : Crowds
Xenophobia : Strangers
Zoophobia : Animals
Claustrophobia : Enclosed places
Photophobia : Intolerance of (strong) light.
Hydrophobia : Water
Social phobia : Public humiliation
Misogyny : Hatred of women
Misogamy : Hatred of marriage
Misanthropy : Hatred of mankind / men
Aerophobia :
Pyrophobia : Fear of fire
Frigophobia : Fear of cold
Pogonophobia : Fear of beards ??????
Autophobia :
Phobophobia :
Algophobia : Fear of pain
Monophobia : Fear of solitude
Aquaphobia :
Astrophobia :
Nyctophobia : Fear of night / darkness.
Triskaidekaphobia : Fear of the number 13
Homophobia : Fear of homosexuals
Ailurophobia : Fear / hatred of CATS
Canophobia :
Thanatophobia : Fear of death ???
Technophobia :
Cyberphobia :
Lyssophobia : Fear of becoming insane.
Toxiphobia : Fear of being poisoned.
Sitophobia : Of food
Trophobia : Of lightning
Brontophobia : Of thunder
Astraphobia : Of lightning and thunder
Metus (phobia?) Of law
Cainotophobia : Of newness
Arachnophobia : Of spiders
Mysophobia : Of dirt or contamination
Acarophobia : Of mites, insects, worms, etc.
Belonephobia : Of sharply pointed objects, esp. Needles / Injections
Batophobia : Of close proximity to objects of great height
Cymophobia : Of sea waves
Phobias / Fear of :

Agoraphobia : Open places
Acrophobia : High places
Nyctophobia : Dark
Ochlophobia : Crowds
Xenophobia : Strangers
Zoophobia : Animals
Claustrophobia : Enclosed places
Photophobia : Intolerance of (strong) light.
Hydrophobia : Water
Social phobia : Public humiliation
Misogyny : Hatred of women
Misogamy : Hatred of marriage
Misanthropy : Hatred of mankind / men
Aerophobia :
Pyrophobia : Fear of fire
Frigophobia : Fear of cold
Pogonophobia : Fear of beards ??????
Autophobia :
Phobophobia :
Algophobia : Fear of pain
Monophobia : Fear of solitude
Aquaphobia :
Astrophobia :
Nyctophobia : Fear of night / darkness.
Triskaidekaphobia : Fear of the number 13
Homophobia : Fear of homosexuals
Ailurophobia : Fear / hatred of CATS
Canophobia :
Thanatophobia : Fear of death ???
Technophobia :
Cyberphobia :
Lyssophobia : Fear of becoming insane.
Toxiphobia : Fear of being poisoned.
Sitophobia : Of food
Trophobia : Of lightning
Brontophobia : Of thunder
Astraphobia : Of lightning and thunder
Metus (phobia?) Of law
Cainotophobia : Of newness
Arachnophobia : Of spiders
Mysophobia : Of dirt or contamination
Acarophobia : Of mites, insects, worms, etc.
Belonephobia : Of sharply pointed objects, esp. Needles / Injections
Batophobia : Of close proximity to objects of great height
Cymophobia : Of sea waves

The Five States of the Mind

Physical control is but the necessary preparation for control of the mind; it is only when mental agitation has been subdued that the process of identification really begins.
According to the state of development of the seeker the process of control differs.

There are five main states of mind described by Bhoja in his commentary on the Yoga Sutras.

(1) The state of dispersion (kshipta-avastha).
(2) The state of confusion, or stupidity (mudha-avastha).
(3) The state of imperfect stability (vikshipta-avastha).
(4) The concentrated state (ekagra-avastha).
(5) The motionless state (nirodha-avastha).

The five states are characterized by a difference in proportion between the three basic tendencies or qualities (gunas) ascending, expanding and descending (sattva, rajas and tamas), generally represented as enlightenment, activity and obscuration-inertia, which are the intrinsic nature of all things.

(1) The state of dispersion is that in which the mental substance (citta), although by its nature predominantly ascending (sattva), is yet impregnated with the other two tendencies; it is completely unstable, constantly thrown from one thing to another; it is thus attracted to the objects of the five senses, sound, form, taste, etc. and has a desire for the marvelous powers called the "attainments" (siddhis). This is the mental state of Genii (Danavas) and Daimons (Daityas).

(2) The state of confusion, or stupidity, is created when in the predominantly ascending mental substance only the opposite descending tendency, tamas, is mixed. It is stupidity because tamas creates inertia or drowsiness (nidra-vritti). The mental substance of Evil Spirits (Pishachas) and Demons (Rakshasas) is of this state.

(3) The state of imperfect stability is that in which the predominantly ascending mental substance is mixed with a certain amount of the expanding tendency only; this creates a certain amount of instability and the mind becomes inclined toward "conformity with eternal law" (dharma), towards knowledge, detachment, and divine glory (aishvarya). The "Embryo of Splendor" (Hiranyagarbha) and other Cosmic Entities, Deities or Angels pertain to this state.

(4) When the descending and expanding tendencies no longer remain even partially, but alone the ascending tendency stands, then only is the mental substance in its state of origin, or true state; this is the "concentrated state", also known as conscious identification (samprajnata-samadhi). In the scriptures of yoga it is called the state of "discriminate illumination" (vivekakhyati). In this state the real nature of things is perceived, the five troubles (kleshas) of man, ignorance, I-conceit, attachment, enmity and fear of death, disappear. All ties are loosened and the mind is prepared for the motionless state.

(5) When the mind realizes that the power of Consciousness (chittashakti) is without change, pure and limitless, and looks at discriminate illumination as to a yet changing, impure, limited state, then this state, freed from all bondage, is known as the motionless state (nirodha avastha), in which the seed even of a delimited form of conscious no longer exists. This state is known to yogis as the state of "seedless identification" (Nir-bija samadhi).

The New Cambrian Explosion

We are on the verge of something that will be bigger than the Cambrian explosion.

For 3 billion years, individual life-forms were so small they could only be seen with a microscope. Then, in a geological eye-blink, a vast cornucopia of macroscopic life appeared. A similar phase- transition is imminent.

We now possess a set of tools that gives us God-like power. With that power comes God-like moral responsibility. We have, or will soon have: the ability to manipulate our genes at will, access to virtually unlimited free energy and real-time full-spectrum communications abilities. This will allow for the birth of a plethora of communities that will take on the aspects of super- beings. We know these now as governments, cultures, societies, corporations, religions, individuals etc. However, with the new technology, that is about to change.

The new communications tools mean Democracy can be made to function in real-time; creating communal super-brains. The new genetic tools mean some people will begin to manipulate their own genes in order to become immortal super-beings. The unlimited energy supplies will give us super-powers.

Despite efforts by some power-holders to stop this wave of change, it is inevitable. It cannot be stopped, only channeled.

That means it is of the utmost urgency for humanity to gather all its collective wisdom in order to make the change a benevolent one. We will need to fashion a base for this transformation. It must be like a perfect diamond, reflecting from every angle the desires and wishes of all creatures, great and small.

I believe the very core of this diamond can be fashioned out one moral principle of the greatest purity. It is what I call the Sudra principle.

The Sudra were the original aboriginal inhabitants of India. When the Aryan invaders came, part of the Sudra's folk knowledge was taken and incorporated into the belief system of the invaders, the rest was destroyed. The Sudra were then forbidden from possessing knowledge. They punished any Sudra who learned to read and write by cutting his or her tongue out. Then, for thousands of years, these people toiled as slaves, imprisoned by their ignorance.

Such a thing must never be allowed to happen again. Hence the Sudra principle: any change is allowed as long as there are no losers.

Another way of looking at it is to examine the base of what we call good and evil. Good is when life energy increases, evil is when it decreases.

In times of plenty, life increases, leading to more and more cooperation, bigger communities and more complexity. Evolution is powered then mainly by the forces of reproduction. Creatures that produce the most offspring prevail but, even those with less offspring continue to reproduce and change for the better. The collective knowledge gathered by life over its 3.5 billion-year experience of various times of plenty can be thought of as the wisdom of the good.

In times of famine, there is strife, communities dissolve and evolution is powered by the strong eating the weak. Knowledge gathered by life over such periods can be thought of as the wisdom of the bad. The Asians call this Yin and Yang.

Life is now headed for what is likely to be a billions of years long, and exponentially expanding, period of Yang or plenty. However, we cannot know when hard times or new enemies will come again and thus, we will need to maintain and nurture all the life knowledge gathered in bad times.

With this in mind, let us now consider the principle governing body of our present world. In ancient Babylonia there emerged a proto- brain, ancient and powerful, that evolved for millenia. It was a gathering of the brightest minds, centered around a single uber- mind, who ruled over the masses. In Europe, this type of gathering came to be known as the illuminati. For centuries it functioned in a way that brought civilization to new heights. There was a gathering of the self-appointed best and brightest who strived to pool their collective wisdom in order to do the greatest good for the greatest number. They achieved marvels and dominated the world for over 3 centuries.

At their core was a family of what may have been the most intelligent humans ever born: the Rothschilds. They pooled their collective knowledge and made sure it was successfully transmitted and built upon from generation to generation. However, they faced discrimination because of their Jewish ancestry and were forced to hide in the shadows. Their secret government was the Freemasons. At the top sat the Illuminati. At the very center sat a grand patriarch or king. Their source of power was control over money and knowledge. With the demise of the Ming Emperors they took on the role of the most highly evolved form of collective mind on the planet.

Unfortunately, it was fatally flawed by arrogance, racism and an inability to form equal relations with other cultures. It was thus unable to truly control the world.

Nonetheless, it was they who conceived of, and financed, the American Revolution. When America became isolationist, detached from world events and hard to control, the Rothschilds mounted a long campaign to get control of America. They succeeded, at last, through their agent John Rockefeller.

John Rockefeller and his cronies usurped the throne of the Western uber-mind. It was then the nightmare began. He conceived of a horrific long-term plan to enslave the human race. His idea was to enforce total, collective control over all humans. The final vision was to install mind-control devices in the brains of all his subjects. Eventually mankind would evolve into a single brain: His brain. Absolute power made him criminally insane. His plan meant all other human brains on the planet would be crushed into slavery worse than that of the Sudra.

To achieve this long-term goal, humanity needed to be captured and enslaved. To do this he relied mainly on the wisdom of the evil. This meant traumatizing humanity into submission through war and brainwash. The twentieth century became one of horror and destruction for both humans and nature.

The final denouement was supposed to be an Armagedon created by him to purge the world of foreign peoples he could not control. The humans who survived would all have mind-control chips put into their brains.

Fortunately for us all, the Rockefellers finally stand defeated. Humanity is about to wake up from a long and terrible nightmare.

The brilliant minds gathered inside the U.S. armed and intelligence forces will no longer have to spend their time and brain-power on behalf of an insane man. This means that instead of contemplating war scenarios and studying cryptography, they will take on the job of helping humanity navigate into the future. They could start by eliminating poverty, environmental destruction, ignorance and disease from the planet.

The new areas of study for the brilliant mathematicians they employ will be things like Fibonacci numbers, probability theory, fractal expansion theory, thermodynamic phase changes and who knows what other incredible things.

We are about to enter an age of wonder.

The Subtle Body

The division of the human being into a body and a soul is quite insufficient to explain the structure of the human being. The Hindus consider that three main elements contribute to the formation of a living being. They are the Self or spirit, the subtle body and the gross body.
The Individual Self, or Atman is a fragment of the Total Being, indivisible and undifferentiated. Just as the space enclosed within a pitcher is in no way really differentiated from the rest of space, so likewise the fragment of the Universal Self enclosed within the human being remains the indivisible part of the Total Self.
This fragment of the Total Self is enclosed within seven sheaths, six of which pertain to the subtle body, the seventh being the gross body.
The subtle or transmigrating body is the essential part of the human individuality; made of seventeen elements, it remains when the body is destroyed and lives through the lengthy cycle of births and deaths until its dissolution at the time the living being reaches its aim of final liberation.
The subtle body is generally considered to be made of seventeen elements: five senses of perception, five senses of action, five vital energies, mind (manas) and intellect (Buddhi, which includes the "notion of I-ness", Ahamkara).
Just as the relation of the chrysalis to the butterfly, so the subtle body is inverted in regard to the gross body. Their relation is sometimes symbolized by two interwoven inverted triangles. This is why the most abstract state of subtle manifestation is found in the Root-center, the Muladhara chakra.
The subtle body is connected with the gross body at several points. These are called the knots or Centers and are sometimes represented as lotuses. In these Centers the subtle nerves and arteries of the subtle body are connected to the physical nerves through which they receive the perception of the sense organs and through which they communicate to the body the reaction of the subtle body and the orders of the Conscious.
Only the outer nerves of the subtle centers can be seen physically and their convergence observed.

The Thirty Subsidiary Attainments

In addition to the eight main Attainments, there are thirty subsidiary ones which are gained through simple processes of concentration.
(1) THE ATTAINMENT OF THE RESULT OF MENTAL CONTROL (nirodha parinama siddhi) is the fruit of self-control and of concentration on the three kinds of results, those due to natural laws (dharma), to particularities (lakshana) and to conditions (avastha). With this Attainment the adept knows the past, the present and the future.
(2) THE ATTAINMENT OF WORDS AND THEIR MEANING. Words, meanings and knowledge of them are the three aspects of an indivisible entity. By concentrating on them separately, the adept understands the language of all creatures.
(3) THE KNOWLEDGE OF PREVIOUS BIRTHS is attained by concentrating on the marks they have left on our being.
(4) THOUGHT-READING is done by concentrating on the faculty of knowing.
(5) TO BE INVISIBLE. By concentrating on the form of the body, the radiance by which it is perceived becomes dulled and the light emanating from the eyes of others can no longer establish contact with the body of the adept. The same is true for the other senses.
(6) THE KNOWLEDGE OF DEATH. By concentrating on the nature of the actions which yield immediate results and that of those which give results later, the adept understands the nature of death and its process.
(7) THE POWER OF THE SOUL (atma bala) or, OF THE WHOLE MIND (purna mano bala) is obtained by concentrating on the power of friendship, of enjoyment, of pity, of detachment. By this attainment the powers connected with these are obtained.
(8) ACQUIRING THE PHYSICAL POWER OF ALL CREATURES is obtained by concentrating on their power.
(9) TO KNOW THINGS SUBTLE, HIDDEN, FAR AWAY, is attained by attracting the light of Nature to subtle things and concentrating on it.

Foreign Words and Phrases

ad hoc (L; ad HOK): for the particular end or purpose at hand

ad infinitum (L; ad in-fi-NITE-um): endless

ad nauseam (L; ad NAWZ-ee-um): to a sickening degree

apropos (F; ap-ruh-POH): being relevant

bête noire (F; BET NWAHR): a thing or person viewed with particular dislike

bon appétit (F; BOH nap-uh-teet): I wish you a good appetite

bona fide (L; BOH nuh-feyed): in good faith

carte blanche (F; kahrt BLANNSH): full discretionary power

cause célèbre (F; kawz suh-LEB-ruh): a notorious incident

c'est la vie (F; se lah VEE): that's life

chutzpah (Y; KHOOT-spuh): amazing nerve bordering on arrogance

coup de grâce (F; kooh duh GRAHS): the final blow

coup d'état (F; kooh duh tah): forceful overthrow of an existing government
by a small group

crème de la crème (F; KREM duh luh KREM): the best of the best

cum laude/magna cum laude/summa cum laude (L; KUHM loud-ay; MAHN-ya . . . ; SOO-ma . . . ): with praise or honor; with great praise or honor; with the highest
praise or honor

de facto (L; di FAK-toh): in fact; generally agreed to without a formal decision

déjà vu (F; DAY-zhah VOOH): the sensation that something happening has
happened before

de jure (L; dee JOOR-ee, day YOOR-ay): determined by law, as opposed to de

de rigueur (F; duh ree-GUR): necessary according to convention

détente (F; day-TAHNT): an easing or relaxation of strained relations

éminence grise (F; ay-meh-NAHNN-suh GREEZ): one who wields power behind
the scenes

enfant terrible (F; ahnn-FAHNN te-REE-bluh): one whose unconventional
behavior causes embarrassment

en masse (F; ahn MAHS): in a large body

ergo (L; ER-goh): therefore

esprit de corps (F; es-PREE duh KAWR): group spirit; feeling of

eureka (G; YOOR-EE-kuh): I have found it

ex post facto (L; eks pohst FAK-toh): an explanation or regulation concocted
after the event

fait accompli (F; fayt uh-kom-PLEE): an accomplished fact

faux pas (F; fowe PAH): a social blunder

hoi polloi (G; hoy puh-LOY): the masses

in loco parentis (L; in LOH-koh puh-REN-tis): in place of a parent

in memoriam (L; in muh-MAWR-ee-uhm): in memory of

in situ (L; in SEYE-tyooh): in the original arrangement

in toto (L; in TOH-toh): totally

je ne sais quoi (F; zhuh nuh say KWAH): I don't know what; the little
something that eludes description

joie de vivre (F; zhwah duh VEEV-ruh): joy of living, love of life

mea culpa (L; MAY-uh CUL-puh): my fault

modus operandi (L; MOH-duhs op-uh-RAN-dee): method of operation

noblesse oblige (F; noh-BLES uh-BLEEZH): the obligation of nobility to help
the less fortunate

non compos mentis (L; non KOM-puhs MEN-tis): out of control of the mind;

nouveau riche (F; nooh-voh REESH): a person newly rich; perhaps one who
spends money conspicuously

perestroika (R; PAIR-es TROY-kuh): restructuring

persona non grata (L; per-SOH-nah non GRAH-tah): unacceptable person

postmortem (L; pohst-MORE-tuhm): after death; autopsy; analysis after

prima donna (I; pree-muh DAH-nuh): a principal female opera singer;
temperamental person

pro tempore (L; proh TEM-puh-ree): for the time being

que sera sera (S; keh sair-ah sair-AH): what will be, will be

quid pro quo (L; kwid proh KWOH): something given or received for
something else

raison d'être (F; RAY-zohnn DET-ruh): reason for being

savoir faire (F; sav-wahr-FAIR): dexterity in social and practical affairs

schlemiel (Y; shleh-MEEL): an unlucky bungling person

semper fidelis (L; SEM-puhr fee-DAY-lis): always faithful

status quo (L; STAY-tus QWOH): existing order of things

terra firma (L; TER-uh FUR-muh): solid ground

tour de force (F; TOOR duh FAWRS): feat accomplished through great skill

verbatim (L; ver-BAY-tuhm): word for word

vis-à-vis (F; vee-ZUH-VEE): face to face with; compared with

L = Latin F = French Y = Yiddish R = Russian G = Greek I = Italian S = Spanish

English Definitions for the Dyslexic

Warning: American readers may require the services of a translator!

Antelope (v): to run off with your mother’s sister.
Assassination (n): an arrangement to meet a donkey.
Baptist (n): a junior hamburger chef.
Basket (n): a short nap in the sun.
Circumstantial (n): circumcision on a really big baby.
Collonade (n): fizzy enema.
Defence (n): something to sit on for people who can’t make up their minds.
Diarrhoea (n) a very unattractive bottom.
Dictator (n): hilariously shaped, edible tuber.
Dipthong (v): to wash a lady's undergarment.
Diversion (n): Princess of Wales' version of the events that led to her divorce.
Dumpling (n): small lump of excrement.
Gastronome (n): small person prone to excess wind.
Harbinger (n): hard drinker.
Hatchet (n): small, bird droppings that fall from the sky.
Headband (n): top of the bill at a rock concert.
Hormone (n): the sound a prostitute makes when she's not been paid.
Hobnob (n): cooking accident often suffered by nudists.
Homophobe (n): strong dislike of The Simpsons.
Honeydew (n: women who regularly arrive late for appointments.
Induction (n): induced labour in a duck.
Innuendo (n): Italian suppository.
Intercontinental (n): person who has wet themselves all over the world.
Labiate (v): perform cunnilingus.
Laminate (v): to artificially inseminate a sheep.
Limpet (n): male who has trouble getting an erection.
Lobster (n): colloquial term for a female who ejaculates during orgasm.
Mantrap (n): sexual favour used by women to obtain money from men.
Mastiff (n): mass erections induced by watching pornography.
Menopause (n): break in conversation to allow men to get a word in edgeways
Minjita (n) (slang): an Indian lesbianMisfit (n): an attractive young woman
Mislay (n): a brazen or promiscuous young woman.
Morbific (n): excessively violent
Multilingual (n): Engaging in cunnilingus with multiple partners.
Negligent (n): cross-dresser.
Ostentatious: Make and model of a pre-war British luxury car.
Outage (n): process of exposing a Gay politician.
Papier mache (v) : Father’s had an accident.
Propaganda (n): a wooden support for one-legged male geese.
Rapscallion (n): Black, American spring onion.
Rectitude (n): Precise angle at which a rectal thermometer should be inserted.
Reflex (v): renew wiring to an electrical appliance.
Restitution (n): sanatorium for lactating womenS
kullduggery (n): archaeological excavation.
Snuff box (n): slang term for a coffin.
Spade (n): Small surgical tool for removing ovaries.
Testator (n): a male who is constantly adjusting his genitalia
Titillate (n): delayed onset of female puberty
Titular (n & adj): Busty woman
Vagrant: (n): confused insect
Willy-nilly (n): male who continually catches their penis in their zipper.


Vipassana……………………………….Cosmic awareness.
Nirvana………………………………….State of Grace.
Kismet…………………………………….--- : ---.
Chi………………………………………. Life force.
Hic Jacet Sepultus……………………….Here lies buried.
Sub Rosa………………………………….In secret.
Hierosolyma est perdita…………………Jerusalem is lost.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus……………..No salvation outside the church.
Salvandorum paucitas,
damnandorum multitudo……………….Few saved, many damned.
Ignis fatuus………………………………Delusion.
Guardea Hor…………………………….Precious treasure.
Fanta fe………………………………….All is in flux.
Par Lit de Justice……………………….By Order of the King.
Gluckskind………………………………Child of Fortune.
Doctoris Philosophiae Honores.
Litterae Petitoriate……………………..Candidate’s presentation.
Soit………………………………………So be it.
Saine et sauve…………………………..Safe and sound.
La Donna Errante……………………..The Errant Lady.
A bonne mine a hauvals jeu…………..The best of a bad situation.
Res ipsa loquitor……………………….The thing speaks for itself.
In profundis…………………………….In distress.
Secundum Artem………………………According to the rules of the game.
Noli me tangere…………………………Touch me not.
Der Wechselbalg……………………….The Changeling / Monster.
La Race Blanche……………………….White race.
Le sang noire……………………………Black blood.
Race Noire………………………………Black race.
Sans mens in sano corpore…………….A healthy mind in a healthy body.
Opus Dei…………………………………Propaganda Due.
Sauve qui peut………………………….Every man for himself.
Ad nauseum…………………………….To the point of disgust.
Ex nihilo…………………………………Out of nothing.
Arriere pensee………………………….Mental reservations.
Mikko shugi…………………………….Secret.
Haram…………………………………..Forbidden by Islam.
Halal…………………………………….Islam / ritually slaughtered meat.
Allah Akbar…………………………….God is Great.
Azazel……………………………………Lucifer (Islam).
Al-nasr-lil-Islam………………………..Victory to Islam.
Akuma………………………….Devil (Jap.).
Abbadon……………………….Hell / Destruction (Heb.).
Avante garde………………….Trendy/ fashionable.
Auto da Fe…………………….Act of Faith.
Agnus Dei………………………Sacrificial lamb.
Au bas ventre…………………..In the stomach. (Fr.).
Ad Infinitum…………………..Without end / limit.
Au fait………………………….Fully informed / Capable.
Ad hoc………………………….For a special purpose.
Ana dheef Allah……………….I am a guest of God.
A posteriori…………………...Based on experience and observation, not theory.
A priori………………………..Based on presumption/theory, & not experience.
Bete noire……………………..Thing/person particularly disliked.
Billet-doux……………………..Love letter.
Bon mot………………………..Witty remark.
Baraka…………………………Essence of Life (Sufi).
Bene Quidem………………….A good thing.
Bon vivant……………………..Person with cultured and refined social tastes.
Casus belli……………………..Event or act used to justify a war.
Cordon sanitaire………………Closed off.
Coup d’ Etat…………………..Change by sudden violent means.
Coup de Grace…………………Killing / finishing blow / act.
Contra Hundum……………….Against the world.
Cum Laude…………………….With distinction.
De facto…………………………Existing by fact, if not by right.
De jure…………………………..Existing by law /right, even if not by fact
De trop…………………………..In the way.
De rigueur……………………….Necessary: required by tradition /custom / law.
De Gratia………………………..By the Grace of God.
Deux ex machina………………Forces that arrange the affairs, fate, of man.
Elan vital………………………..Life force.
Et uxur et filius…………………Father & son.
Eminence gris…………………..Confidential agent.
Ex parte…………………………Outside the group.
Ex post facto……………………After the fact / event.
Ex nihilo…………………………Out of nothing.
Fatwa…………………………….Theologically sanctioned order/command/act.
Felo de siecle…………………….End of the cycle.
Felo de se…………………………Suicide / self-destruction: even if unintentional.
Faux pax…… ……………………Act or remark that compromises one’s reputation.
Femme fatale…………………….Dangerously attractive woman.
Fait accompli……………………A thing done. (Done is done!).
Faux marbre…………………….Counterfeit.
Faux semblant…………………..False pretence.
Faux fuyant………………Subterfuge.
Faux jour…………………Half-light.
Folie a deux……………….Same/similar delusional ideas in two close people.
Ghutra…………………….Headrag. (Arabic).
Ghazi/s…………………….Instruments of Allah, the Sword of God.
Hapax legomena………….Thing evidenced by a single occurrence.
Haute couture…………….Most fashionable.
Haut monde……………….High society.
Infra dig…………………./.Undignified.
In toto……………………..Totally.
Idee fixe……………………An obsession.
In extremis………………..Great distress/ near death.
Ipso facto…………………..By that very fact.
Intellectus et fortitudo…….Intelligence and courage.
Lese majeste……………….Presumptuous conduct / treason.
Laisser-faire……………….Free of government restraints.
Laisser-aller……………….Unconstrained freedom.
Lex amissa………………….Infamous / outlawed person.
Lex non scripta…………….The unwritten law.
Lex talionis…………………The law of retaliation.
Magna cum laude………….With great distinction.
Mea culpa………………….Acknowledgement of personal fault or error.
Mutawwaain……………….Saudi (Islamic) religious police.
Modus vivendi……………..Practical compromise.
Non cognant………………..Know not.
Motu Propio……………….Of its own accord.
Nolo Contendre……………Not admitting, nor denying.
Nom de guerre……………..War name.
Non pareil…………………..Withou parallel.
Non compos mentis………...Insane, not responsible for one’s actions.
Non sequitur………………..Conclusion that does not follow from basic
statements or assumptions.
Per se………………………...By itself.
Pied-a-terre…………………Temporary lodgings / second home.
Piece de resistance………….Outstanding. Showpiece.
Pas trop………………………In step.
Primum non nocere………..First of all : do no harm.
Pour prendre………………..To take furlough / leave.
Pecavi………………………..I have sinned.
Quid pro quo……………….Something for something.
Quod erat demonstrandum….Which was to be proved. ( Q.E.D. ).
Raisons de coeur…………….Reasons of the heart.
Raison d’ etre……………….Reason for existence.
Roman a clef…………………Novel in which real persons, events, places,
figure under disguise.
Sinn Fein…………………….Ourselves alone.
Semper fidelis……………….Forever faithful.
Soshi…………………………Assassin. (Jap.).
Shaba………………………..Ghost. (Arabic.).
Sanzoku……………………..Jap. ancient bandit clan (secret society) still
in existence.
Tete a tete……………………Face to face. Private.
Tertium quid………………..Third party. Mid-ground.
Ut dictum……………………As directed.
Ut supra……………………..As before.
Vis a vis………………………In relation to.
Vi et armis………………….By force.
Volte face…………………….About face: in views on a subject.
Viva voce…………………….Oral examination.
Zeit- geist…………………….Spirit of the times.
Pro bono publico…………….For the public good.
Pons asinorum……………….Insoluble problem.
Memento mori……………….Reminder of death.
Panem et circenses…………..Bread and circuses.
Ex post facto…………………After the fact.
Flagrante delicto…………….Caught in the act.
Cognito ergo sum……………I think, therefore I am.
Deus ex machina…………….Desperate or contrived solution.
Caveat emptor……………….Let the buyer beware.
Alea jacta est…………………The die is cast.
Ad astra per aspera………….To the stars through difficulties.
Cognoscenti…………………..Those in the know. Intelligensia. Amor vincit omnia…………...Love conquers all.
Tabula rasa……………………The mind in a blank state
De facto……………………….Existing by fact, if not by right.
De jure………………………..Existing by right, if not by fact.
Schwein en schlippe…………..Pig in knickers.
Salus populi suprema lex …….The Welfare of the People is the Supreme Law.
Qui tacet consentire videtur….Silence gives Consent.
E. Pluribus Unum……………..Out of many, One.
Novus Ordo Seclorum……..The Beginning of a New Order of the Ages.
Jacta alea est………………..The die is cast.
Lex talionis…………………..Law of Retaliation
Felo de se……………………..Self-destruction.
Hic jacet sepultus……………Here lies buried.
Cui adhaero praeest…………Whom I support will prevail.
Far l’ora………………………Kill time.
Ex cathedra……………………With the highest authority.
Mihi in odio est ………………I hate it / dislike it.
Ab initio………………………From the beginning.
Nemo iudex in causa sua……No man should be a judge in his own cause.
Audi alteram partem………….Both sides given fair and just hearings.
Schadenfreude…………….pleasure taken in another’s misfortunes.

Instructions for Life


1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve greatrisk.
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three Rs:
* Respect for self
* Respect for others and
* Responsibility for all your actions
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful strokeof luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day
.9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back,you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Rusty's Aphorisms


Lust, though to a radiant angel linked,
sates itself in a celestial bed,
then preys on garbage.

The carabao is slow, but the Earth is patient.

The light that shines twice as bright burns half as long.

An irresistible impulse for mischief.

Not my ideal of life, but the best compromise with prevailing circumstances.

An irresponsible pursuit of financial interests at the expense of moral principles.

Hardship (adversity) instills a spirit of positive resourcefulness in direct proportion to itself.

One of the main problems with being Top Dog is the time and effort
expended in repeatedly cocking a leg to re-mark threatened territory.

His appointment with Destiny seems to be perpetually postponed.

The study of history is not a bilateral arrangement between nations.

Common sense and logic are not constants in the behaviour of nations.

Trading partners do not go to war against each other: WRONG !

A perennial and destructive impulse for mischief.

Happiness is contrasted proportionately to one’s current
surroundings and prevailing circumstances.

Position through Poise, Audacity, and Resolve.

The type of person who thinks wood grows on trees.

A frog who dreams of being a toad.

The foulest four-letter word of all: POOR! or, for Pommies : WASH!! or BATH!!!

Human rights - human wrongs.

Tuan. Bumi Putra. Kosher. Karma.

Alike Captain Queeg hunting down the strawberries.

The Diseases of Venus.
First rule of management / government strategies : Divide and conquer.
Adam & Steve. Madam & Eve.

Unqualified arrogance.

The Cult of the Personality.

The Power of the Pussy.

If his dick’s the same size as his brain, then he’s got real problems.

The U.S. of America’s first global export: Colt revolvers / GUNS!

I have nothing in common with your God: He is a cruel and capricious being.

Management: the judicious use of means to achieve an end.

Supervision : a critical observance and direction of activities.

Fanta fe : All is in flux.

Silence is a conspiracy within itself.

A master of self-magnification.

Patriotism is the last resort of political scoundrels.

Republic of the Philistines.

To the Benefit of the Few, and the Detriment of the Many.

Patron Saint of the Impossible.

Taught her all she knows, but not all I know.

Hope she gives breech birth to a porcupine : with antlers.

Can’t make furniture out of firewood.

Never use the best woods for kindling.

Lost the habit of truth.

DOSRI : Directors, Officers, Seniors, Related Interests.

Due diligence.

Pawned its moral franchise.

As fuel efficient as a garden bonfire.

The Three M’s philosophy : Mercenaries, Missionaries and Misfits.

Liberty is the luxury of self-discipline.

Chance favours the prepared mind.

Eggs to hatch, cats to kill.

If it was easy, then women and kids would be doing it !

A basic architectural credo : that form must follow function.

A pair of boots made out of pussy: fit like a glove and never wear out.


Jukebox politician: drop a few coins in and plays whatever tune you like.

Definition of a volunteer: Someone who has totally
misunderstood the question put to them.

Swimming at the shallow end of the gene pool.

Assumption wears a cloak of errors.

Close enough only applies to horse shoes and hand grenades.

A squeaky wheel gets the grease. (and sometimes: replaced.)

Favourite nation? Donation!

Religion: more scent than substance.

Loose lips sink ships.

Ham and eggs: the pig’s committed, while the chicken is only involved.

More marinated than drunk.

Communism runs counter to human nature.

The K.G. - used to B.

La Donna Errante:

The Second Oldest Profession: (prostitution / 1st is grave-digging.)

Work? No thanks, I’ll stick with the freedom and independence my poverty provides.

For purposes of belligerence we command a technology of far greater evolution than our
moral and intellectual abilities to rationally commit such to destructive use.

Man created God, not God man.

The Goddess below her navel.

Wood: botanical corpse.

Scrap paper: another half acre of rain forest gone!

Ambitions beyond the scope of his abilities.

Catholic priests: renown for dogma, simony and sodomy.

Politicians: one level above child molesters.

Water takes the path of least resistance.

Folded his proverbial tent.

Local neighbourhood Anti-Christ.

Revolution is orbital and turns a full circle:
Movement is undefined in direction ordistance: it usually proceeds so far, and then stops.

If symptoms persist, consult an undertaker.

Matreiya: 1965!

Wife is Asawa : then Kabit Querida Kulasisi: . High-maintenance assets.

Another victim of neglect.

Never invest in anything that requires feeding or repainting.

Menu: Do you have a 1997 / current edition?

Flat out -- like a lizard drinking.

Cancer of the personality.

Seen better organised riots.

An in-growing foreskin.

The Packrat. The Bower bird.

Believe a job worth doing might be a job worth doing badly.

Phallopian Air Lines. PAL.

Amateurs posing as professionals.

A circus without a tent.

Government: A political order where the majority obey the authority of a minority.

Humanity: endowed with the facility of logic and reason, prefers folly :
than the logical and moral capacities that guide its uses.

Conflicts that invariably have a tendency to halt far
short of their original political objectives.

Chaos is the primary order of Nature.

Victims of speciesism.

Canine slaves.

Botanical companion.

Botanical corpse.

Exercising his democratic right to talk and act like a fool.

Punctuality is a sign of respect for another persons’ time.

The certainty of this world is preferable to the dubiousness of the next.

They depict each other as fools, and are unfortunately, both (all) correct.

When ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise.

Virago: A woman of great strength and stature.

Misery loves company.

Stood up to be counted amongst the ranks of the Forces of Darkness.

They can be led, but not driven.

In God we trust : all others - CASH.

Deja vu.

An established lie can, and oft does, become an established truth.

A job worth doing might be a job worth doing badly.

Nine-tenths of Humanity isn’t worth saving.

The Formal Pressure of Diplomatic Grand Remonstrance’s.

It might suffice as a Statement of Position, but not as an Explanation.

Measure twice : cut once. (Engineering maxim.)

Schwein en schlippe. ( Pig in knickers.)

A supernatural constitution.

Accomplishment basis.

Rules of engagement.

Receptive to……..

Absence of conflict is no assurance of peace.

Politics are not perception, but illusion.

Fears for / doubts the Integrity of………

Gwailow / Falang.

//?? ……. is not a recognised profession.

Prudent to / Prudence dictates.

TIME is NOT a weekly news magazine.

Moral erosion.


Shinkansen bullet train.


Disable does not qualify as unable.

Turning Bipeds into men.

Philippines: the 51st State!! No way, & reasons why / voting franchise.

Rep. of the Philistines.

Persuaded into co-operative participation via the tried and
proven diplomatic methods of bribery and corruption.

Never trust anyone who bleeds that much every month and doesn’t die!

Anyone who bleeds that much every month, and doesn’t die, shouldn’t be trusted.

Jesus saves --- but the Pope invests !!!

Burning daylight.

At risk / In harms way.

A mind smaller than his Ego.

Power is an illusion, for it is forever accompanied by obligations that are greater still.

The Peter Principle: In any hierarchy, people tend to rise to their greatest level of incompetence.

THEY: the Universal appellation for those who are not part of one’s own community.

There is a commonality among all men.

INFORMATION : the most valuable commodity known to man.

Passion is the enemy of precision.

The myth perpetuated eternally : because it cannot be irrefutably proven such did not occur.

The phenomena of HERD BEHAVIOUR : Man, as part of the pack.

The Herd Instinct.

Man proves to be yet another of Nature’s dismal evolutionary failures.

The Petrine Rock.

Man’s curious refusal to behave rationally in what seems his own best interest.

Der Ubermensch : the Higher Man.

Laws governing the Conduct of War are rendered impotent by the
Laws of Fact and Harsh Reality.

The Architecture of a Utopia of Global Harmony can only be designed by ignoring the established testimony of History, and Human Behaviour.

Progress and gain by one group is not accomplished without the loss of some
fundamental values of another party.

Racial primacy.

Never seen a kitchen so filthy that even the cockroaches came out spewing.

P.B.R. : Paid by Results.

The Five P’s Philosophy : Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.

D.C.M. : Don’t come Monday.

Do it once … Do it Right!


Advanced Guesswork.

Given time and money : can achieve anything.

It’s never a failure until you walk away from it.

Sometimes equalled : never beaten.

Instant drunk : add alcohol.

What could be done with a Canadian, if caught so young? Turn him into an Australian!

It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you’re surrounded by chickens.

No problems : only solutions.

Measure twice : cut once.

A lazy man always finds the hardest way to do a job.

An ambition to be reincarnated as a tablecloth :
Get laid three times a day, and pulled off after every meal.

Send lawyers, guns and money because the shit has hit the fan…
doesn’t matter in which order, but all will be required.

The Intellectual Stimulation of watching paint dry.

The next quantum leap in telecommunications: answering machines with artificial intelligence/self-awareness: that return calls without consulting you !

Human Resource management skills rate in at ZERO.

We, the Unwilling, led by the Unqualified, have done the Improbable for so long, with so little,
we can now achieve the Impossible : with absolutely FUCK ALL.

6-7-2 / 1-5-9 / 8-3-4.

Collateral damage.

Oestrogen-deficiency / excess.


Roman Catholicism : the longest-running & most successful
confidence trick ever pulled in recorded History.

More a “LOOPHOLE” system than a legal system.

Everything in Moderation : especially Moderation.

Explanation, Demonstration, Imitation. ( Can develop into #4 : Innovation )

Better to be tried by TWELVE than carried by SIX.

Either Lead, Follow, or get out of the Fucking Way !

Welfare Officer in a concentration camp.

Chinese Fire Drill Instructor.

Groups of self-interest.

Statement of Methodology / Method Statement. Scope of Works.


Decisive and Assertive , emanating self-confidence
and self-reliance = leadership qualities.

Totally uncoordinated and chronically dysfunctional.

Indecisive and slow/dull—witted.

Mental lethargy.

Iron Sulphide ( Fool’s Gold ) : PHIL RUDISONE
Fabrication : BRIAN FIOTA
Deception : PETE DICON

Went / Gone Ballistic

Could fuck up a perfectly good anvil.

If you’re up early enough in a morning, you can piss in a stoat’s ear.

Power is an illusion, for it is always accompanied by responsibilities that are greater still.

A mind / intellect far smaller than his EGO.

Propaganda is the Illustrious Courtesan of Espionage.

Cronyism, Collusion, Corruption, and Complacency : The Curse of the 4 C’s.

A Halo is often a Noose that hasn’t yet slipped into Position.

Cash cow.

Alike Adultery, its essence is Concealment.

( Wanton act / s of : ) Reckless imprudence resulting in ………….

Arsehole Tax !!

Stop and Rob, Chew and Spew, Local / Convenience Vomitarium
Bad-cholesterol vomitarium. Local food poisoning centre.
Botulism and Beans Bistro. Salmonella Sandwich Centre.
Pedro’s Pukery. Barf ‘s Botulism Bistro. Retcher’s Restaurant
Vic’s Vomitarium. Restaurant a la Retch. Salmonella Spewery.
Chunder Café.

The Asbo Arms……..Asbo Annie

Running : far more than mere physical exercise alone, it has now evolved
into a highly spiritual method of meditation.

The Jerusalem Syndrome : Apocalyptic.

Spiritual transition via Divine Rapture.

Theophany : Manifestation of a Diety to a Mortal.

Extreme / Chronic Courtesy Disorder / Courtesy Deficiency Syndrome.

Passport to Social Acceptance cancelled.

Tetragrammaton : Y - H - W - H.

Odi et amo : love-hate relationship.

Crapehanger : Morose, gloomy or pessimistic person.

Indulgences and Benefices.

All Lies eventually lead to the Truth.

From experience and knowledge of life, we distillate sagacity and wisdom.

The 3-D’s / A 3-D campaign : Disinformation, Disaffection & Destabilization.

Necrotizing enterocolitis due to severe multiple parasitic infestation.

Hypertestosteronism / Hypertestosterone secretion.

A Decision of Last Recourse.

The Direct Blame for the Ubiquitous Bureaucratic Graft & Corruption lies in the
election of Incompetents and Criminals by an Uneducated and Unsophisticated

God : An Omnipotent mythological bogeyman, customized
by religions to suit their own selfish ends.

Alike Siberia, with neon signs, functioning traffic lights and security guards.

Devotion to Religion : A definite form of psychological disorder.

Religion : Mythological literature.

Religion : Alike the Sphinx and Pyramids, a Curiosity worth
contemplation and study, but definitely not worship.

Religion : Institutionalized as propitiatory magic, and perpetuated as a fat racket for priests.

1st Amendment : Freedom of speech & religious worship
2nd :Right to bear arms.
4th : Right of search & seizure regulated
13th : Slavery abolished.
16th “ Income taxes authorised.
18th : Prohibition of liquor / Volkstead Act : 18/12/1917-ratified 16/1/1919
Eventually adopted by all States, except Connecticut & Rhode island.
19th : Giving nationwide suffrage to women.
Repeal of 18th Amendment : 20/2/1933. Ratified5/12/1933.

All that we forge and temper in Life reverberates for Eternity .

Know a man’s weaknesses by his boasts.

Know a man’s strengths by his modesty.

Jews : the children of the covenant.

Smiling like a puppy dog who has just discovered it can suck its own dick.

There is no Truth except that which men desire to hear.

God ? : believe in nothing higher than the trees, for the sky too might well be an illusion.

It is futile to fight Nature : especially Human nature.

The type of person even mosquitoes and tapeworms avoid.

Heavily invested in self-glorification.

Suffering from Cognitive Impairment where matters of the Truth are concerned.

Where Ignorance is Bliss, it is folly to be Wise.

Silence is the mark of Greatness.

The Oasis of Sleep.

A 3-D campaign : Disinformation, Disaffection & Destabilization.

Better an empty gun than no gun at all.

The Pleasure is in the Journey.

Tribute to the Moon / Lunar Tribute : Menses.

Possession is nine-tenths of the law.

Look with your eyes, and not your hands.

Conspicuous by its Absence.

Never reach beyond thy grasp.

Communism is Political heresy.

Takes communion with questionable deities.

A standing prick has no conscience.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, absolvo tuum.

A Heap is a gathering / conclave of Shits.

The Sixth Sense ? A sense of Humour.

A lot of Mongrel in his genes.

The AFF couldn’t sort shit from ShineOla.

Seen better organized riots than this web site.

2 turns n 2 half-hitches – hold anything !

Keelhauling, or 20 strokes of the Cat ?

CyberS’ is about as S’ stimulating as watching paint dry.



Mons Pubis Mons Veneris

Just Cruisin’

Made a career / fortune out of Human frailty.

Mother is the name of Love on the lips of all children.

Love n’ Lust .

U and the Dodo are going to have something in common.

????? just shit kittens.

More degrees than a thermometer .

Surplus to requirements.

Been around the world more times than Skylab.

Exacted disproportionate retribution physical damage / injury / trauma.

My own personal Spice Girl…Oriental Spice.

Celestial Entity / Divine / Oriental Angel .

Lust, though to a radiant angel linked, sates itself in a celestial bed, then preys on garbage.

Mainstream .

Domino effect on human perception .

Decimated true accounts of history .

The Law of One.

Common Herd….More at Sheeple than People.

Laws / Rules n’ Regulations : For the guidance of the intelligencia and
the blind obedience of the masses / common herd / idiots .

Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his Master .

Shall always have what he needs, but never more.

The naturally-talented, forever judged by the talentless.

Offering the public the greatest discomfort n inconvenience at the highest prices.

An aircraft in search of a route.

Uncomfortable with those more intelligent than himself.

Creative polymaths: intellectually powered to shape, rather than follow, trends.

Debt junkie.

Turned risk-avoidance into a artform.

Virgin’s immaculacy.

A Duopoly.

Perceived success .

An aspiration dressed up as a decision.

When the only tool you possess is a hammer, then every problem begins to look like a nail.

An Omerta .

The convenience of concealment through Chaos.

Even the existence of secrecy requires concealment.

Why let facts and logic stand in the way of a good argument.

Opportunities Multiply as they are Seized .

Caution is not stronger than Fate.

This cretin, if his IQ was 5 points lower, would have to be watered daily.

Knowledge is the mortal enemy of Superstition .

It is not our abilities that show what we truly are…. it is our choices.

At the mercy (sic) of unregulated global capital in the extractive industries.

The Peter Principle : In any hierarchy, people tend to rise to their
greatest level of incompetence.

Jurisprudence is not equivocal .

Morality is a private & costly luxury .

Never take the credit, or the blame, for something you did not do.

Always tell the truth .

Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither.

Each word has an echo. So does each silence.

Fear not the path of Truth for the lack of people walking on it.

Deception can only take place where there is a lack of knowledge.


The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or as a curse.

The survival of the official lie depends solely on its constant repetition.


Omnia Mutantur …… All is in flux .

Environment : Nature is the Bank on which all Cheques are ultimately Drawn.

The Past is private property and trespass by curious researchers is actively discouraged.

The past n the future are private property.

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes……Mark Twain

No trees were harmed in posting this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

No one is a stranger, they are simply friends you've not yet met

It takes two people to lie. One to tell it, the other to listen….and believe.

The perceived ability to create Reality.

All History is a well-contrived Hoax / an edited recording of events.

21st Century Reality has been shrouded in a matrix of deceitful propaganda.

Creatures with frontal paired eyes are Predators.
This occular configuration allows them to judge the distance between them and their intended prey. ( Man has frontal paired eyes )

Sir, I send a rhyme excelling
In sacred truth and rigid spelling
Numerical sprites elucidate
For me the lexicon's full weight Pi…3:14 to x ? digits infinite
Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling
In mystic force and magic spelling


Is it the Truth ?
Is it fair to all concerned ?
Will it build goodwill & friendship between men ?
Will it benefit all concerned ?

I don’t give a damn whether the cross is made of gold or silver or what-the-hell.
All I have in mind is to do away with CRUCIFIXION !

The key to balanced and sustainable development is to empower the
people and strengthen the middle class.
This can be attained through:
1) An improved quality of education that moulds a patriotic mindset with global consciousness in the youth sector.
2) The development of co-operatives and small / medium-sized businesses
while also attracting foreign investments.
3) Peace, order and security through a reconstructed national police and
military institution : exorcised of the present graft and corruption.
4) The promotion of local autonomy that ensures equitable allocation of
resources, authorities and responsibilities.
5) A collective pride in the national cultural and historical heritage.
In building a nation to be proud of, in which every Filipino must be a
stakeholder, and not a mere beneficiary relying on the hand-outs and
patronage of family or government.
6) The eradication of political dynasties and the established oligarchies,
and of patronage and crony politics by parties of self-interest.

7) The establishment of a judicial system devoid of patronage, graft,
and corruption, and revitalised with open honesty and efficiency.

The Club is the symbol of Vengance, and the Friend of no Man.
The Diamond is the symbol of Avarice.
The Heart is the symbol of Unselfish and Divine Love.
The Spade is the symbol of Death.

Traitors must be exposed to the light.
That is where they shrivel like vampires.
Their condign punishment is death.
The tree of liberty must be watered
From time to time
With the blood of tyrants!
Free of all Liens, Encumberances, Restrictions, Mortgages or Constraints.

The Dragon :
Of the four symbolic animals which figure prominently in Oriental
mythology – the dragon, the unicorn, the tortoise, and the phoenix –
the dragon is the most important.
Dragons are immortal. They live beneath the earth, in the sea, or in
the air, and though there are not many dragons, their number can increase
because another fabulous creature – half lizard , half snake – becomes a
dragon at the age of a thousand years.
The dragon’s appearance is fierce, with horns atop its head, protruding
demonic eyes, scales running down its neck to its flaming tail, eagle claws,
and the paws of a tiger; yet it is not a symbol of evil, but rather of power,
nobility, and intelligence.


The Club is the symbol of Vengance, and the Friend of no Man.
The Diamond is the symbol of Avarice.
The Heart is the symbol of Unselfish and Divine Love.
The Spade is the symbol of Death.
